Zakat is the third pillar of Islam which requires Muslims to give 2.5% of their qualifying wealth each year to help those in need and to prevent widespread poverty. Yet, sadaqah which comes from the root word ‘sidq’ which means ‘to speak the sincere truth’ is giving what is rightfully ours with a sincere intention to benefit others. Sadaqah has not obligation or condition other than seeking to serve Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said “A believer who plants a tree or sows a field from which man, bird and animals can eat is committing an act of charity”. Sadaqah is not just about donating money but can take many forms of service by inspiring and celebrating acts of goodness such as, supporting the weak or being a voice to the vulnerable. The Prophet also teaches us that “A kind word is a form of charity”. Ramadan is a perfect time to reflect on what form of sadaqah we can perform whether its donating money or an act of kindness.