Is it safe to take medicine during pregnancy?

Is it safe to take medicine during pregnancy?

When deciding whether to take a medicine during pregnancy, it's important to find out about the possible effects of that medicine on your baby. Remember to always check with your pharmacist, midwife or GP before taking any medicine when you're pregnant, including painkillers. You can find out information on medicines in pregnancy on the bumps (best use of medicines in pregnancy) website. They also have advice on what to do if you have already taken a medicine in pregnancy.  

If you're trying for a baby or are already pregnant, it's important to always: 

  • check with your doctor, midwife or pharmacist before taking any prescribed medicines or medicines that you have bought 
  • make sure your doctor, dentist or another healthcare professional knows you're pregnant before they prescribe anything or give you treatment 
  • talk to your doctor immediately if you take regular medicine, ideally before you start trying for a baby or as soon as you find out you're pregnant 

It is important to know that not all "natural" remedies or complementary therapies are safe in pregnancy. Some products used may not be of a high quality and may contain other substances, such as lead, that could be harmful. So you should tell your midwife, doctor or pharmacist if you're using herbal, homeopathic or aromatherapy remedies or therapies. 

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