Spring Awakening

Spring Awakening

After a long winter the need to unearth the layer of hibernation can be overwhelmingly important for our inner self. We often talk about signs of spring in the lead up to this season and cling onto the snippets of sunshine and the appearance of new blooms. Right now, we can sense the change in season as trees are filled with blossoms and the days are ever so slightly longer. So, whilst we wait for the weather to get warmer and to change or wardrobes to lighter clothes, there are many ways we can create a spring awakening.

  • One of the ways in which we can adjust our bodies to the change of season is to nourish ourselves with good food. The winter season is typical for overindulging on comfort foods that may make us feel more sluggish. Look at making dishes that are lighter and remind you of warmer weather like leafy salads and grilled salmon.
  • It also a good idea to book a blood test and get your iron and vitamin d levels checked along with others. By taking the best multivitamins that your body needs you will gradually start to feel like you have more energy.
  • Waking up in the morning during the colder months and leaving the comfort of a warm bed can be difficult, but as the clocks change at the end of March our body may start to move towards waking up earlier. Give yourself a head start by setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier and make the most of waking up earlier to give yourself a productive start to the day.
  • Set your morning up for a successful day by planning the evening before and getting small thing sorted to make your day calmer. Getting your folder ready for antenatal appointments, packing the children’s school bags or prepping your meals early.
  • Tune into your senses as the season changes around you. Open windows in the morning to let in fresh air. Take note of how you are feeling by journaling. Watch as new blooms make am appearance around you.
  • Create an environment at home that clears space in your mind. Everyone loves a good spring clean to declutter the build up that has been created during the winter months. Look at ways to make room and implement minimalism in your home by clearing broken toys, clothes you no longer want and cleaning forgotten corners of your home.
  • Pick one project that will help you enjoy this season even more. Maybe it is a new sport that you need to practice outside or a balcony you want to grow flowers or vegetables in. Find something that takes you away from work or the responsibilities of life and will help your mental well being even if its for 20 minutes a day.
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